Thriving in Motherhood - Enhancing Your Quality of Life

Having a good quality of life is essential, particularly for women after childbirth. This cherished time marks an important transition in life, and although it is often exciting and rewarding, it is also a time of vulnerability and many challenges including back pain, sleep deprivation and stress surrounding breastfeeding. All of these factors in turn pose a risk to successful emotional and psychological balance that ensures quality of life.

Back pain is common– 45% of new moms suffer with pelvic girdle pain caused by pelvic joint instability. This is a result of the new postural stressors associated with diaper changing, feeding and carrying your newborn, together with the increased levels of relaxin hormone in the bloodstream. This hormone is present during the first trimester of pregnancy and beyond, and doesn’t start to decrease until up to 12 months post partum. Breast feeding amplifies the already high levels of this circulating hormone, which leaves post partum moms more susceptible to injury, as their musculoskeletal system is in a less stable state.

Sleep deprivation is also common in new moms– only 10% of new parents get the recommended 7 hours of sleep per night, and the pressure to try and sneak a quick power nap makes it harder to doze off. When there is quiet time, often the brain is in a state of overthinking which can affect overall mood and put moms into a perpetual fight or flight mode of stress, rather than a restful healing mode of rejuvenation.

Breast feeding challenges– latch and digestion issues can result from the often times, traumatic birth process, which puts stress and tension on the upper neck, jaw and shoulder of the newborn.

There is good news! Gentle chiropractic care restores the natural mobility and alignment of the pelvic girdle and spine in new moms, effectively reducing pain and increasing mobility. Spinal adjustments also activate the calming and restorative aspects of your nervous system, helping your body recover from the stressful parts of your day, and promoting healthy, restorative sleep. Additionally, gentle adjustments to an infant’s spine restore natural upper neck and jaw mobility and alignment, promoting the healthy development and function of the nervous system, and enhancing comfort as well as ability to latch and feed effectively.

Let Harbourfront Chiropractic help enhance your quality of life by reducing your back pain, helping you sleep better and helping your baby thrive!

Suzanne Bober, BSc (HK), BS, DC, FCCPOR(C)